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In 2024, Illinois Lottery players made history, driving the lottery to its most successful year ever. Their enthusiasm for both classic and innovative games, coupled with strategic shifts in the lottery's offerings, led to record-breaking sales and significant contributions to education and community programs.
A golden year of growth
The numbers tell a compelling story. The lottery reported $3.86 billion in sales and $883.6 million in proceeds. Both of these figures set new records. This marks the third consecutive year of breakthrough financial performance.
How did the players contribute to these milestones? Five multi-state jackpots exceeding $1 billion highlighted the year. These massive prizes attracted widespread attention and drove significant ticket sales. One standout moment came in June 2024, when an online Illinois player won $552 million on Mega Millions, the largest online lottery prize in U.S. history.
Instant tickets continued to be a popular choice for Illinois players, with sales increasing by 4.9% to $2.1 billion. Draw games also experienced growth. Fast Play games, launched in 2020, continued to be the largest contributors to draw game revenue, reaching $477.6 million (a 42.4% growth).
In 2024, most U.S. lotteries saw declining instant ticket sales, but Illinois broke the mold. The introduction of the first $50 scratch-off ticket generated significant player excitement and sales.
50 years of celebration and innovation
The 50th-anniversary celebration brought a wave of new promotions and opportunities to win.
From May to October, the lottery introduced promotions that appealed to new and current players, including:
- A special celebration series of instant tickets
- Second-chance drawings
- Sweepstakes with gift card prizes
- A prize truck touring 50 lottery retail outlets
- A giant disco ball event in downtown Chicago
Digital transformation
While traditional lottery games remain popular, Illinois Lottery players are increasingly turning to digital platforms to play. The convenience and flexibility of online play have resonated with a new generation of players. Now, players have access to more than 30 Fast Play games across retail, online, and via Scan-N-Play.
Online sales through the lottery's website and app reached $686 million in fiscal year 2024 - a nearly one-third increase from the previous year. This digital expansion represents a strategic shift in how lottery games are accessed and played.
Inflation's complex impact on lottery sales
Inflation introduces nuanced dynamics to lottery sales. While rising prices can reduce disposable income, they can also create opportunities.
Higher interest rates can lead to larger jackpots. When lottery funds are invested in bonds, they generate better returns in high-interest environments. These larger jackpots can generate excitement and drive increased ticket sales.
Ultimately, the overall impact of inflation on lottery sales depends on various factors, including the severity of inflation, jackpot sizes, and regional economic conditions. In Illinois, players continued to favor games with a $2 price point, with Powerball, Lotto, and Mega Millions remaining popular choices after instant tickets. In 2025, Mega Millions tickets will rise to $5 per play, and that, coupled with inflation, may impact sales of those tickets.
Looking forward
As the Illinois Lottery looks beyond its 50th year, innovation will be essential to maintaining and growing player engagement. The lottery may explore opportunities to enhance the player experience through advanced digital platforms, making it easier and more enjoyable for participants to engage with games. One thing remains critical: player engagement must be incorporated for the success of the game.