Georgia Cash 4 Night
Latest numbers
Date | Result | Prize |
Cash 4 Night
Next Top prize
Next draw in
23 hours,
59 mins
Quick Picks
- 3
- 7
- 6
- 1
How to play
- Pick four numbers from 0 to 9, or mark Quik Pik for randomly-generated numbers.
- Choose a wager: $0.50 or $1.
- Select a play type: Straight, Box, Straight/Box, 1-Off, or Combo.
- Choose your draw time: midday, evening, night, next 2, or next 3.
- Pick the draw you want to play your numbers in with Advance Play.
- Decide in how many draws you want to play your numbers.
- Check if you've won.
Play types
Play Type | Description |
Straight | Match the winning numbers in the exact order. |
Box | Match the winning numbers in any order.
1-Off | Match the winning numbers in the exact order or be off by one on one, two, three or all four numbers.
Straight/Box | Match the winning numbers in either exact or any order (combines a Straight and a Box play type) - pays both ways.
Combo | Match the winning numbers in any order - all combinations are considered straight plays.