California SuperLotto Plus
SuperLotto Plus
Next est. jackpot
$24 Million
Latest numbers
Date | Result | Prize |
SuperLotto Plus Jackpot History
Prizes and odds
Match | Prize Pool** | Odds |
5 + Mega | Jackpot - 60.50%* | 1 in 41,416,353 |
5 | 3%* | 1 in 1,592,937 |
4 + Mega | 1.50%* | 1 in 197,221 |
4 | 2.50%* | 1 in 7,585 |
3 + Mega | 2.25%* | 1 in 4,810 |
3 | 11%* | 1 in 185 |
2 + Mega | 6%* | 1 in 361 |
1 + Mega | 5.75%* | 1 in 74 |
Mega | 4.50%* | 1 in 49 |
Overall odds of winning a prize in SuperLotto Plus are 1 in 23. *All prizes are pari-mutuel, so the amount can vary. The prize category percentages are taken out of the game prize pool. **3% is allocated to the prize reserve fund. |
Game schedule
Draw day | Draw time | Sales close |
Wednesday | 7:45 p.m. | 7:45 p.m. |
Saturday | 7:45 p.m. | 7:45 p.m. |
All times are in California local time. |